Tuesday 10 February 2015

Christmas cheer

(Originally written December 2012)

This will be my 3rd Christmas away from England (in modern times), though the last one I spent “back home” was not that festive as I was there finalising my Mum’s estate, and preparing to pack up and sell her house, after she passed away (December 11th) so was not doing too much celebrating. As it is now officially Summer here it does not seem that Christmassy either, with temperatures in the high 80′s, and also poverty means that, for many, Christmas is not really a time of presents and good cheer, but rather just another excuse for a party! Many businesses here do not close anyway – partly as we are in a tourist area so they capitalise on one of the few chances to make some extra money – and lots of people do not even get Christmas Day off from work, but probably appreciate the extra day’s pay rather than a day off.
Shopping here is  not like back home either – our “Supermarkets” would be no more than corner stores back home, and we do not have the selection of goods you would get in a good one over there, but they are more than adequate for our needs, even if you cannot always get exactly what you want! Consumer goods are a different proposition as there isn't really anywhere within 40 miles where you have a good selection of products, but again that isn't really a problem – you just have to plan ahead (not a strong point for the local people, I am afraid!).
So yesterday (21st December) I went to the butcher to get a suitable piece of meat for my Christmas dinner – I must add here that there is no abattoir anywhere near here so all meat usually comes in refrigerated (mainly frozen) from many miles away, but the quality is pretty good, and prices very reasonable, even if choice is sometimes limited! I was looking for a nice piece of beef to roast, but found that the shop was empty – there was no meat on display! The delivery hadn't arrived, but was due in later that day, possibly only in the evening (shops do open very late here!), so best to come back in the morning – after 9.00! So this morning I went in and still empty displays – the delivery hadn't arrived and the boss was trying (without any luck!) to contact the supplier to find out what was happening! The butcher on duty informed me that he had no idea when, and even if, they would get any more meat before Christmas, but assured me that they would be open right through Christmas (even Christmas Day) – though without anything in the shop I am not quite sure why.

Fortunately I am a bit more organised so have plenty in my fridge (even have a piece of beef suitable for roasting!), and bought a nice piece of pork (from the supermarket) a few days back, which will now be my Christmas dinner. Most people here do not have that luxury, though, and cannot afford to buy ahead, but instead have to buy on the day what they will be eating that evening (combination of lack of funds, and lack of refrigeration/storage), so I am not quite sure what they will do about Christmas dinner – but people here are very resourceful – they have to be – so I am sure everyone will manage.

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