Tuesday 10 February 2015

Hello World

This is my first ever Blog entry! I am not sure if anyone will be interested in what I will post here, but feel free to add any comments of your own.

Please keep them relatively clean as anyone can access this, and also I will not tolerate Spam, or links to dubious websites. I have not won millions on any lottery, nor do I have any distant (or even make-believe) relatives who want to leave me gazillions in their wills. I certainly will not do anything illegal or immoral to get my hands on anything that does not belong to me. I have no wish to meet and marry any young (or old!), rich or poor, lady (or man!) anywhere in the world, and am relatively impoverished myself so cannot be tricked out of money or wealth I do not possess.

Having got that off my chest, let us begin posting!

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