Sunday 31 January 2021

Being ill abroad - part 4

 So much has happened since my last post, but so little progress has been made! Prior to going to the cancer specialist hospital, IREN, I had been attending private consultations and clinics, and all the various test results I had to collect and take along to the next consult, but at IREN it is all done "in-house" and the results sent straight to the consultant, so never get to see the reports. When I went back for the biopsy result the surgeon told me it was not very conclusive, but it now appeared to be a Chondrosarcoma, which is a malignant, cancerous tumour, which does not respond to therapy, but needs removing surgically.

After biopsy stitches removed

First off I needed another surgical risk assessment, including blood tests, chest x-ray, ECG, and before surgery I would also need another negative Covid test! The various tests were programmed, and as some had to be done "fasting" could only be done the following day, and then when the results were all in, I had to see a doctor for his assessment, and then return for another consult with the surgeon! This process took about 10 days and then the surgeon said I would need admitting for the surgery, so I had to go to a "window" where I would be allocated a date and bed for admission. The nurse there, said there were no beds immediately available, and it would probably be 3-4 weeks before I could be admitted, and would need the Covid test first, but only once a bed was allocated!! So I should wait for a call. I would need a CT scan, and the Covid test, which I could get once they called me in, so I was given a request form for these. I was also given a list of personal items I needed to bring along, which included a set of sheets.

4 days later I get a call saying I should come in for some "pre-op checks" and that I should report to "hospital admissions". She spoke so fast I had trouble following her and asked if she could send me the details in a message, but she simply said "December 7, 7.30.There was a security guard on the door so I explained my situation, and he said I should wait until I was called, and so I waited for 4 hours! Eventually a male nurse appeared so I asked how much longer it might be, and he looked at the paperwork I had and told me I should have reported back to the "window" first when I arrived! I made my way there and knocked on the glass, and eventually it was opened - the nurse said she didn't think I was coming, and there were no longer any beds available! This was Wednesday, and she said my surgery was scheduled for the Saturday, but they would call me later when a bed was available, and I should report to her on arrival. I did get my Covid test done, but not the CT scan, as she said if a bed did not become available they did not want me to go through the expense of that scan right now.

Thursday I went out to get my laundry done and they called me, saying I could come in and get the CT scan, so I rushed home, then grabbed a taxi to the hospital. Reported to her window and was told to go and get the CT scan done, so paid and then went to the Imaging Department, I went to admissions first and they told me it could only be done tomorrow! So back to the "window" and she came with me and explained it had to be today, so I was rushed in for my scan, then back to her window. She now gave me a list of supplies I needed, but said I need to go to hospital admission first to see if that was all that was needed, and then off to the pharmacy to get that digitised, then to cashier to pay, then back to pharmacy to collect. Some items were not available, meaning I had to go and find them elsewhere, and at this moment the nurse explains that I am actually being admitted today! Two days before surgery??

This means that I have to go home to collect my belongings, as well as finding the missing items at another pharmacy. I grabbed a taxi and explained my dilemma, so first we try the pharmacy across from the hospital, and I find a few of the items, then into the centre of Trujillo, where I eventually find the rest, and then home! I have to collect my laundry, so catch a quick bite to eat for lunch first, get my things together, and get a taxi back to the hospital, reporting back to the window, where she gives me an invoice for "hospital admission" I have to pay before going to hospitalisation!

Finally I am shown to a bed, where a nurse helps me put my sheets on it, but there is no pillow - I should have brought my own (they did not tell me!), and I can now breathe easily. It is Thursday afternoon, with surgery scheduled for Saturday, and I have no idea what I will be doing until then!