Saturday 31 December 2016

Arrival of a New Year

In little over 6 hours here we will be welcoming in a New Year, 2017, and around the world to the East of us here in Brazil many countries have already done so. Lots of street parties, lots of alcohol consumed, millions of pound worth of fireworks exploded, no doubt thousands admitted to Emergency Rooms of hospitals around the world too, with partying-related injuries. For what? For the expectation that 2017 may be better than 2016, or that all this partying might make it so??
I will be spending the evening quietly at home alone - I may raise a glass in toast to loved ones far away, but have absolutely no interest in surrounding myself with masses of strangers getting high on alcohol and drugs, and listening to eardrum-bursting levels of music in the streets. I will, however, stay up past midnight, but only because I would be woken up by all the fireworks if I tried to go to sleep earlier! It is almost 40 years since I went out on New Year's Eve, in Durban, South Africa, and though it was enjoyable back then in South Africa, it was also ... I don't know, futile? For many it will probably be the best thing they do all year!!
The last time I celebrated NYE it was a dinner party at home with some close friends, and at midnight we went outside to watch some distant fireworks. We had a few drinks with a lovely meal, and it was far more meaningful and soul uplifting than going out to surround yourself with strangers, all intent on getting drunk as quickly as possible.
But whatever you are doing, however YOU celebrate the arrival of a New Year, I wish everyone all the very best in health and happiness for 2017!

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