Tuesday 21 March 2017

Peru 2017

What started as an unremarkable journey back to Peru - following the dramas over my septic tank back in Brazil - has become a bit of a nightmare!
My journey necessitated a 7 hour overnight layover at Lima airport (not the first time I have had to do this, and never a pleasant thing to do), and I was expecting this to be the low point of my trip - however I was unprepared for what transpired! Immigration is always a little daunting, especially as I was seeking the maximum "visa" allowance on arrival, but the officer was cordial and allowed me the 180 days I requested. It isn't a big deal if they permit less time on arrival, as it is a fairly easy process to border hop to Ecuador and return with a further 90 days, but I prefer to be organised so look for the full allowance in one go.
Leaving immigration I headed for baggage reclaim ... and here the fun started! As I entered the baggage hall I noticed a "priority" porter pushing a lady's trolley towards customs some way ahead, and she had a similar suitcase to mine with other luggage on the trolley, but didn't think too much about it at that stage. I collected my own trolley and waited by the carousel, where among other luggage, a large red hard-sided case was circulating, though not the same as mine at all - the only similarity being colour and hard ABS plastic. As luggage came and went, and this case remained I started getting a little concerned, and when I saw a baggage handler removing it from the carousel after everything else had gone I asked him if there was any more to come. I couldn't help noticing, at this stage, that the red case (an Antler, whereas mine was a Carlton) had a "priority" label on it! He directed me to the airline luggage desk.
There was some consternation, and they asked me several times if I was sure that the other case wasn't mine - before they acknowledged that the other lady had probably taken mine in error! A check on their system revealed she was from Lima, but they had no contact number so would have to wait for her to come back for her case - it now being close to midnight, Thursday, that would not be happening till the morning when I would be on my way to Trujillo!
I had a change of clothing in my hand luggage, but little else - toiletries, a GoPro camera, as well as a camcorder and all my clothes were in that one suitcase! They gave me US$50 as an "emergency" fund, and I used most of that buying some toiletries at inflated airport prices, took all my details and said they would keep in contact.
Still no sign of my case by the time my flight to Trujillo left in the morning, so I had no choice but to leave Lima behind and hope that my case would soon follow. Arriving in Trujillo for a 6 month stay armed with one spare pair of underwear, a pair of shorts and a spare t-shirt is not funny! Replacing things at this stage is not really an option - 1). lack of money to do so, and 2). having unnecessary duplicates if my case turned up - however I needed to buy a few things just to tide me over.
On Saturday, after a trip into Trujillo to stock up my apartment, and buy a couple of clothing items I called the airline number they had given me - finally getting through to an English-speaking representative - my Spanish is pretty good, but I didn't want to get things wrong here. He said that as far as he knew the lady had not yet returned for her case, so there was nothing much they could do - though I did ask him if they would be treating it as theft if she didn't and contacting the Police? He never responded to that, but checked my contact details, which they had copied down wrong, and said they would be in touch.
I have had a couple of emails so far - with a link to an online form to submit my inventory- but nothing of any significance, and here I am 12 days after landing in Lima still without my belongings! What also concerns me is that I read that many airlines do not offer "new for old" but allow some depreciation due to age, and since things like electronics are more expensive anyway (for example my GoPro cost US$400 in 2014, but they are US$500 new here now!), and my clothing was all of the "activewear" style, so dry fast, offer UV protection, and are hardwearing - clothing like that fetches a huge premium here if you can find it!
Will update as this progresses.

Update: I finally received a phone call from the agent who had been emailing me. We were approaching 15 days since I landed and I had a choice to make - I could stop the "search" and they would make me an offer, or I could wait a further 10 days. I asked him what had been done so far to "look" for my case, as it was pretty obvious that another passenger had taken mine in error, and he said he would contact Lima airport directly and see what they said. I also told him that I had no choice but to cancel the search and look for a settlement as I was still without any clothes. He told me he would check the status at Lima airport and get back to me.
That call took place on Saturday morning. 2 hours later I received a call from a lady speaking Spanish - she said she was from Trujillo (local) airport and needed my password ("senha"). I asked what password, and she hung up on me! 9 pm I get another call from Trujillo airport, this time telling me that my suitcase has arrived in Trujillo!! They ask if I am at home, as they want to deliver it straight away! I was so elated of course I agreed, and as the airport is only 5 minutes away I went out onto my balcony and waited ... An hour later I was beginning to think I might have been the victim of some sort of hoax, and was about to call the number back when my phone rang again  this time it was the delivery driver, wanting to confirm the address - and 10 minutes later I had my suitcase back! Intact, unopened, undamaged and with all my belongings in it!
It did get me thinking, though, as to how long Lima airport might have been holding onto my case! The agent had only said that morning that he had no news but was going to contact the airport to see if anything was happening, and less than 12 hours later I get my suitcase back! Whatever the reason I am so relieved to have my belongings back, and not to have to try and replace everything!

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