Sunday 23 September 2018

The Grand Tour - Part 6 - Moyobamba, part 1, my hotel

I decided Moyobamba needed two posts - because the hotel was so lovely it deserves a post of its own! I wasn't the cheapest place I stayed in during my trip, but by "Western" prices it was very reasonable, and worth every penny!
I woke to the sound of birdsong - the hotel I had chosen was a haven of peace. It had several acres of grounds, and all you could see were the trees and flowers surrounding the building - Casa de mi sueno was a great name for the place.
This was the accommodation building - 4 rooms only, and mine was the one top left, underneath was the lounging/dining area
View from my room to the gate house

View the other way from my room
When I went down for breakfast the same employee who made my dinner last night made my breakfast - the owner was still not back from Lima. I was accompanied by a small kitten who was really friendly

I was told there used to be two of them but one had been killed by a snake in the gardens, so I needed to be vigilant! After breakfast I went for a short walk round the impressive grounds, like no hotel I had ever stayed at.
It had a lake you could walk round, with turtles in it, and a haven for birds

The water ran out of the top lake through a series of smaller lakes and a stream through the property.

There was even a tennis court and a local man brought his son for practice at the weekend - my room is the closest one in the background

Cocoa pods

Tall bamboo

Ant's nest

Lesser Kiskadee
From up the slope behind the bedrooms the view was equally spectacular of the Mayo valley

but in the mornings the valley was shrouded in mist

There were also a myriad of beautiful flowering plants all round the garden, especially different types of Hibiscus

The little kitten was never far away, and even slept on my lap while I was eating meals!

It was so peaceful there, I didn't really feel I needed to explore further afield, but did venture out into the town eventually.

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